Fairgrounds x Seabreeze

In the realm of amusement parks and carnivals, I find a kaleidoscope of emotions and an atmosphere like no other. The fleeting moments on their last operating days, under the ever-shifting canvas of cloudy skies, reveal a profound and unrepeatable human experience.

These vibrant, evanescent worlds have long been the source of fascination for many. For children, they are the embodiment of unbridled excitement, where whimsical rides and sugary delights offer the promise of endless wonder. Yet, they also resonate with the bittersweet nostalgia of those who have grown up, revisiting these spaces that once held their dreams.


In the grand tapestry of existence, our human lives often feel like mere whispers amidst the resounding echoes of the natural world and the monuments of our own creation. 'Small' is a photographic exploration that delves into the profound insignificance of humanity in the face of the vast wonders of nature and the monumental feats of human ingenuity. Through a series of evocative images, this project seeks to provoke contemplation about our place in the cosmos, our impact on the planet, and the fragile beauty that surrounds us. 


Hat Couture


Architectural Exploration